Josh will be hosting using his Ancestry Zoom account so our meeting can be the full hour (or more) instead of the 30 minute limit if I host. Here’s the info:
Josh will be hosting using his Ancestry Zoom account so our meeting can be the full hour (or more) instead of the 30 minute limit if I host. Here’s the info:
You probably already know that RootsTech is this week. Some of our members may be attending. Some are working in the Expo Hall.
But if you haven’t bought a ticket to the conference, you can still enjoy some of the sessions. RootsTech is live streaming, as in previous years, and you can watch from home.
The schedule is on their web site: RootsTech Live Streaming.
The live stream will probably be right on that page, or they’ll provide a link from that page. They will stream all of the keynotes, this year called “general sessions”, along with many other presentations
Be sure to check the schedule so you don’t miss something you might want to see. Also, RootsTech usually shares those videos after the conference, so you’ll have another chance to watch them for free later. (Some keynotes in previous years were not shared later, so try to catch them live if you can.)
Sorry for the late reminder, but we have a UJGS meeting coming up this Tuesday, May 16th, at 6:30pm, in the B2 classroom at the Family History Library.
Since last month’s viewing of the keynote from the IAJGS conference in Seattle was a hit, we will be watching another session from the conference. The session has not yet been chosen yet, so you’ll have to show up to find out which one. Maybe we’ll let our attendees choose.
See you soon.
Sorry for skipping a detail. Our meeting on February 21st will be at 6:30pm, in the classroom on the British floor (B2) at the Family History Library.
See you there.
Since two of our officers have just returned from the IAJGS Conference in Seattle, and one has already gone out of town again, we are going to skip the UJGS meeting this month.
Of course, all of our members are still welcome at the Family History Library to do research if you’d already planned to be there, since today is the third Tuesday and our usual meeting day.
We will have our next UJGS meeting on September 20th.
Sorry UJGS members, but there will be no meeting tomorrow. Our president has been under the weather and could not make preparations.
But if you were planning to be at the FHL for our meeting, don’t let that stop you from going. Even those of us who are there all the time always have more to do. There are lots of resources to help with your genealogy, FamilySearch provides missionaries and consultants to assist. You may even see your society’s webmaster around, so say hello.
We’ll let you know when we have plans for future meetings.
Happy New Year to all UJGS members, and other interested readers of our blog!
It’s a new year, so that means your UJGS dues is due. Our dues is still only $10 per person or $15 per couple.
You can pay online using Paypal by going to the Member Login area. If you have never logged in before or don’t remember your password, simply use the Reset Password option.
Optionally, you can send in a check. Please note that we have a new treasurer this year. Her address can be found on our Membership Application.
We’ve scheduled meetings for the first quarter of 2016. Meetings will continue to be Tuesday nights at 6pm. Our first two meetings of the year will be February 2nd and March 15th.
Our first meeting is moved up to the first Tuesday of February to coincide with RootsTech. Our speaker, Israel Pickholtz, is coming all the way from Jerusalem to speak to us about his research in genetic genealogy, Endogamy: One Family, One People. This meeting will be at the Church History Museum auditorium, which is the building just across from the FHL.
Additionally, IAJGS will have a booth again at RootsTech. We don’t have many details yet, but if anyone wants to volunteer to help out, we’d be happy to have you. Most visitors to our booth want to talk about Jewish genealogy, and we steer them towards their local JGS (often us!) and our annual conference.
Are you a current member of UJGS? If you haven’t paid your dues for 2015 yet, then you aren’t. Please update your membership by signing in to our web site and paying via Paypal, or by sending a check to the treasurer.
Once you’ve taken care of that, please come to our meetings. We miss you. We haven’t seen you in months. There’s so much more to do with your genealogy research and we’ve moved our meeting times a little earlier this year so you can get some research done at the Family History Library every month.
One of our meetings this year was so small and mostly new people that we just helped each individual with their specific research needs. But even if we get a full room, we will still have time after our presentation to help everyone find a little bit more about their family history.
So please come back.
Our next meeting is July 21st, which may not have a presentation, and our president won’t be back from Israel yet, but you’ll still have all the resources of the FHL to use. How about sharing a story in August about the information you find in July?
Some of our members have not been receiving email notifications about our blog posts, and the calls to meeting are especially important. Today, I installed a new plug-in to the blog to solve this problem.
Because we were using FeedBurner, each person had to independently verify their email with that service. Some did not see the verification email and some newer members did not realize they had to to sign up.
By having this new plug-in, locally running, members can be added and verified without the extra step on their part.
We will still have the sign-up box on the blog just as before, and the plug-in can handle subscriptions and unsubscriptions automatically. I have set it to digest mode for everyone, so multiple posts in a day will not generate multiple emails.
This blog post is being used as the first test of the new list. All members who were not verified on FeedBurner have been added to this new mailing list already, so everyone should get this message by one method or the other. If all goes as planned, I will transfer the rest of the subscriptions to this new program, including those who subscribed but are not society members.
(If it doesn’t go exactly as planned, it will be in test mode a little longer while I figure it out, but the emails should still get out to everyone.)
Welcome reader, to the blog of the Utah Jewish Genealogical Society.
You can subscribe to this blog via RSS reader (like Google Reader) or by email (via Feedburner).
We hope that you will find our content useful and interesting. We intend to bring you a variety of content including notices about our meetings, news you can use, and journal-type articles that you would have previously found in our newsletter.
Issues of Atsmi Uvsari, our newsletter, are available on our web site.