Join us on February 21 at 7 pm (Mountain Standard Time), Rabbi Barbara Aiello will present “Heritage Hiding in Plain Sight“. This will be a live presentation, despite the time difference from her home in Calabria. A Question and Answer session will follow her presentation.
She will talk about the Jewish traditions carried in many families, even those who do not have a memory of Jewish Heritage. For some of these families, the necessity to hide their heritage due to the reprisals of the Inquisition was so life-altering that the secret was lost in later generations. Some of these families are only now discovering this heritage through DNA testing.
Rabbi Barbara Aiello was appointed Italy’s first woman rabbi in 2004 and continues to serve as Italy’s only modern, liberal rabbi who lives and works in Italy. She continues to serve Jews throughout Europe as a spokesperson for Pluralistic Judaism – a movement that deliberately blurs denominational lines and extends the hand of Jewish welcome to Jews of all backgrounds.
Rabbi Barbara Aiello was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and is the daughter of a liberator of the Buchenwald concentration camp. She is a graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania where she received the Distinguished Alumni Award. She holds an MS from The George Washington University in Washington DC and received “smeicha” (rabbinic ordination) from The Rabbinical Seminary International and the Rabbinical Academy in New York City.