Category Archives: Call To Meeting

Call to Meeting

On 16 January 2023 at 7 pm (Mountain Time), our own Todd Knowles will speak to us on Jews of the Caribbean.

W. Todd Knowles is a deputy chief genealogical officer at FamilySearch, where he has worked for 22 years. His own journey in family history began by searching for his great-grandfather, a Polish Jew. From those early beginnings, the Knowles Collection was created. This collection now houses the genealogical records of 1.5 million Jews.

Zoom link to follow.

Meeting Reminder

Date: 15 Aug 2022Time: 7:00 pm MST
Speaker: Janette Silverman
Topic: Illegitimacy in the Jewish Communities of Galicia
The many punitive and restrictive laws in the Austrian Empire resulted in choices made by the Jewish community to circumvent these. Originally instituted to curtail the size of the Jewish community and create boundaries, the communities themselves changed and found ways to work around the laws. Many birth, marriage and death records in the Jewish community use terms like “illegitimate” and “ritual marriage”. Sometimes our ancestors had multiple surnames, or even hyphenated surnames this session will discuss these and the insight we can gain about the lives of our ancestors


Call to Meeting 15 August 2022

Date: 15 Aug 2022Time: 7:00 pm MST
Speaker: Janette Silverman
Topic: Illegitimacy in the Jewish Communities of Galicia
The many punitive and restrictive laws in the Austrian Empire resulted in choices made by the Jewish community to circumvent these. Originally instituted to curtail the size of the Jewish community and create boundaries, the communities themselves changed and found ways to work around the laws. Many birth, marriage and death records in the Jewish community use terms like “illegitimate” and “ritual marriage”. Sometimes our ancestors had multiple surnames, or even hyphenated surnames this session will discuss these and the insight we can gain about the lives of our ancestors

Call to Meeting for 18 July 2022

Our next meeting will be a Round-Table discussion. We would like each of you to talk about a great research experience, travel adventure in pursuit of family or research, family reunion or DNA connections, something we can all enjoy!

Also, please remember to keep your membership active (or start it).

We still need chairs for membership and activities committees, and members in all committees. Please participate!

It’s been suggested that we rotate the program responsibility for each month to different members of the group (or interested parties). You can present the program yourself or work with us to locate a speaker on a topic of your choice of benefit to all (or most). Our next scheduled presentation is in March 2023, so there are lots of opportunities!

More information on 23 May meeting

Title: Deep Genetic Genealogy: A Survey For Researchers of All Levels

Speaker: Guest Speaker: Adam Cherson, Author of “Historicity of the Tribe of Levi: A Genetic Perspective” (in print)

Part 1: Cultural Genography

Part 2: Rabbinical yDNA Lineages

Part 3: Levi-Cohen Tribal Tree

Part 4: Q & A

Description: In this first-ever presentation Adam will give an overview with illustrations of various unique approaches to genealogical research, including everything one needs to know to get started.

Monday May 23, 7pm Mountain/ 9pm Eastern/ 8pm Central/ 6pm Pacific/ 3am (May 24) UTC/GMT

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: May 23, 2022 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Call to Meeting May 23 at 7pm MST

 Adam Cherson will be speaking about three of his projects: Cultural Genography, Rabbinical Lineages Index, Levi-Cohen Tribal Tree. The topics all involve Y-DNA analysis, but it’s tailored to be of interest to DNA novices as well. I believe it will be a bit of a promotion for fee-for-service offerings, but the subjects are incredibly interesting. 

Many thanks to Josh and to Bill Elkus for making this possible.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: May 23, 2022 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Zoom link to meeting 26 April 2022

April 26 – This is a Tuesday! Rabbi Samuel Spector of Congregation Kol Ami has agreed to meet with us there (2425 East Heritage Way, Salt Lake City) for a combination in-person (masked and vaccinated) and Zoom meeting. He will talk about the history of Kol Ami, the state of the Utah Jewish Community, and the significance of family history/traditions in Judaism.