Category Archives: Call To Meeting

Call to Meeting, 18 June, 6:30 Mountain Time on Zoom

June 18 – Marlis Humphrey will speak from Phoenix on “Society Outreach in the New Era of Jewish Genealogy”. We will hear from thought leaders in the genealogy community; highlight innovative programs underway by societies, archives, and similar; review UJGS pilot programs underway; and have an open discussion of observations and what might be the most promising initiative(s) for UJGS to undertake. Zoom link will follow.

Call to Meeting – February 27

This is your second reminder about our next meeting, February 27th, at 6:30pm at the FSL downtown, with speaker Daniel Horowitz and a brand new lecture. We’d like to see some people in person. We don’t know who all our members are anymore. Come and meet some of us.

But if you can’t be there, you can register via Zoom and we’ll be happy to have you join us that way:

Also, sorry that everyone got the previous notice three times. We have no idea how that have happened. Maybe a WordPress update threw off our emailing system. Or it was a weird fluke. Hopefully it was the latter and won’t happen with this one. If it does, we’ll look into it and try to fix it before out next notice.

Call to Meeting – February 27th

The next meeting of Utah JGS is coming up soon. On Tuesday, February 27th, 6:30pm in the main floor classroom at the FamilySearch Library, we will have a presentation by Daniel Horowitz, the MyHeritage Genealogy Expert. Daniel is in town for RootsTech, which begins on the 29th.

Daniel will be presenting a brand new lecture: The Family History of Department Stores.

Macy’s, Sears, Bloomingdale’s — these and many more of the world’s most successful department stores are named after the families that founded them. Join Daniel as he explores the stories of the families fighting to survive who managed to transform their family business into a household name.

Please join us in person if you can. A Zoom link will be sent at a future time for those who cannot attend.

And don’t forget to attend RootsTech, February 29th to March 2nd. In-person registration is $109 for all three days, but virtual registration is free. Also the Expo Hall is free, so stop in and see what’s available, and say hello to Daniel at the MyHeritage booth.

Meeting reminder, 21 Nov 2023, 6:30 PM at FamilySearch Library

Elections! If you can help, we really need a treasurer! Josh’s responsibilities at work keep him from continuing in that position. If you aren’t a member yet, there’s still time. Join us at

Michael Strauss from Ancestry ProGenealogists will speak on ICAPGen. This meeting will be held at the FamilySearch Library in Classroom C at 6:30. It will also be a Zoom meeting, link to follow.

Yes, this topic is really only of interest to those who are or plan to become professional researchers, I hope that as many people as possible attend this meeting to show their support for UJGS and to take part in elections. Thanks!

Call to Meeting – February 27

Scheduled just in time for those arriving early to RootsTech, we will have Daniel Horowitz, the Genealogy Expert of MyHeritage, speaking to us about Why is my Grandmother’s Record Private? on February 27th at 6pm in the Main Floor Classroom B at the FamilySearch Library (formerly known as the Family History Library). We will also be broadcasting via Zoom for those who can not be there in person.

About the presentation: Searching for family records can be frustrating, especially when you discover that the records that may hold the answers to all your questions are in an archive that won’t grant you access. Why are some records kept in the dark while others are freely available? In this lecture, Daniel will share his extensive personal experience tracking down restricted records and his knowledge of the various privacy regulations around the world. He’ll show you some strategies for accessing hard-to-get records… and why you may need to wait another 100 years to get your hands on the ones you are missing.

About Daniel: Dedicated to Genealogy since 1986, he was the teacher and the study guide editor of the family history project “Searching for My Roots” in Venezuela for 15 years. Daniel is involved in several crowdsource digitization and transcription projects and holds a board level position at the Israel Genealogy Research Association (IGRA). Since 2006, Daniel has been working at MyHeritage liaising with genealogy societies, bloggers, and media, as well as lecturing, and attending conferences around the world.

Please note the earlier start time at 6pm, as the FSL hours are not late enough for our usual meeting time. If you’re in Utah, whether a local, a society member, or just visiting for RootsTech, we’d love for you to join us in person. Masks are requested.

Or you can register here to attend via Zoom. We will not be able to test the technology on location before the meeting, so we apologize in advance for any technical difficulties.

Call to Meeting

On 16 January 2023 at 7 pm (Mountain Time), our own Todd Knowles will speak to us on Jews of the Caribbean.

W. Todd Knowles is a deputy chief genealogical officer at FamilySearch, where he has worked for 22 years. His own journey in family history began by searching for his great-grandfather, a Polish Jew. From those early beginnings, the Knowles Collection was created. This collection now houses the genealogical records of 1.5 million Jews.

Zoom link to follow.