Call to Meeting – February 27th

The next meeting of Utah JGS is coming up soon. On Tuesday, February 27th, 6:30pm in the main floor classroom at the FamilySearch Library, we will have a presentation by Daniel Horowitz, the MyHeritage Genealogy Expert. Daniel is in town for RootsTech, which begins on the 29th.

Daniel will be presenting a brand new lecture: The Family History of Department Stores.

Macy’s, Sears, Bloomingdale’s — these and many more of the world’s most successful department stores are named after the families that founded them. Join Daniel as he explores the stories of the families fighting to survive who managed to transform their family business into a household name.

Please join us in person if you can. A Zoom link will be sent at a future time for those who cannot attend.

And don’t forget to attend RootsTech, February 29th to March 2nd. In-person registration is $109 for all three days, but virtual registration is free. Also the Expo Hall is free, so stop in and see what’s available, and say hello to Daniel at the MyHeritage booth.