We are all aware of Newspapers.com, a great fee-based source for newspaper research. Your public library likely has free historical newspaper research tools along with a number of other free online tools. When I was researching the Bookbinders of Philadelphia restaurant fame, I wanted to check the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent. Newspapers.com did not have it, but Newspaper Archive did and was available through the Los Angeles Public Library. Using my LAPL card, I was able to access it remotely. This month’s Practicing Safe Coputing article discusses some of the resources likely available from your public library to advance your genealogical research.
“Free Online Databases Courtesy of Your Public Library” has been published in the August 2022 issue of “Venturing into Our Past”, the Newsletter of the Jewish Genealogical Society of the Conejo Valley and Ventura County (JGSCV). Current and prior newsletters are freely available at the Society’s website, https://www.jgscv.org
All Practicing Safe Computing articles published to date are available in a single searchable PDF. This resource is freely accessible at https://tinyurl.com/SafeComputingArticles . Consider placing a link to it on your society’s web site or otherwise sharing it with your members as an ongoing free resource