UJGS is sad to report we’ve just learned about the death of Robert Neu on 16 March 2019.
Robert was the founder of our society in 2002, serving as president from that time until he left for an LDS mission in 2007. Upon his return in 2008, he remained an active member until about 2012. He continued to attend sporadically until his last meeting in 2015. He moved to Minnesota soon after.
Robert contributed regularly to Atsmi Uvsari, our newsletter (2003-2010), including as the editor for about a year. His book reviews can be found in many of the old issues, along with other stories.
In 2005 (Issue 10, page 7), Robert gave the following still-relevant advice to our members:
“Don’t give up. Get to know ALL the records from the area you are researching. Help others as you gain knowledge.”
Robert was buried at Fair View Cemetery in Middletown, New Jersey, where he has other family members. He was 78 years old. His obituary can be read online.
UJGS sends its condolences to his many family members and friends.