We Miss You

Are you a current member of UJGS? If you haven’t paid your dues for 2015 yet, then you aren’t. Please update your membership by signing in to our web site and paying via Paypal, or by sending a check to the treasurer.

Once you’ve taken care of that, please come to our meetings. We miss you. We haven’t seen you in months. There’s so much more to do with your genealogy research and we’ve moved our meeting times a little earlier this year so you can get some research done at the Family History Library every month.

One of our meetings this year was so small and mostly new people that we just helped each individual with their specific research needs. But even if we get a full room, we will still have time after our presentation to help everyone find a little bit more about their family history.

So please come back.

Our next meeting is July 21st, which may not have a presentation, and our president won’t be back from Israel yet, but you’ll still have all the resources of the FHL to use.  How about sharing a story in August about the information you find in July?