Call To Meeting – May 2013

It’s time for another UJGS meeting. We are meeting at the Family History Library, Tuesday, May 21st, from 7-9pm. This month’s topic: Genealogy in the Round.

What’s Genealogy in the Round? It’s a bring-your-own topic. Everyone is encouraged to participate in some way. Bring a family heirloom, tell a story about an ancestor, share a genealogical find, tell something interesting you’ve learned while researching history, or bring a brick wall problem and we’ll try to help you chip away at it.

We’ll also have some discussion about the 2014 IAJGS conference we’ll be co-hosting next summer.

We will be broadcasting this meeting as a webinar for anyone who want to join us remotely. You can register at this link. If you want to share something from home, please be ready with a microphone and headset and we will try to have the system set up so that we can broadcast you to the room.

We’d be happy to have our members send us pictures or scans of what they’re planning to share so we can show them during the broadcast. Or feel free to bring your files on a flash drive and take over at the podium for a few minutes. (Please, no presentations longer than ten minutes. We want to give everyone a turn.)

If you want help with a brick wall, you may send that information in advance too. Since we’ll be at the Library, we might even be able to find some information you need before you go home.

Shavuot begins this Tuesday evening, so have a happy holiday. (Read more about the holiday from our previous blog post.)

And we’ll see you on the 21st. Who’s going to be there?

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