Boston 2013 Schedule Online

The preliminary schedule for the Boston 2013 is now online.

From Jay Sage, a Boston co-chair:

We are excited to announce that the preliminary program, including the schedule of speakers, SIG luncheons, and computer workshops, is now available on the conference website. The link is prominent on the home page at The program can be searched in very flexible ways: by title, speaker, date, experience level, type of presentation (e.g., lecture or workshop), topic category, and geographical focus.

Some programmatic elements are not yet on the schedule. These include Breakfasts with Experts, many of the evening events, and the Film Festival films. They will be added as they are finalized. Also, some programming details may still change.

Boston will host the 33rd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy this August 4-9. Early registration ends April 30. Besides the early registration discount, there is also a spouse discount, a student discount, and rates for attending individual days.

Who from UJGS will be going to Boston this summer?

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